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Level Descriptions:
Beginner: If you are brand new to blues dancing or have done it just a few times, this level is for you! The fundamentals of blues will be focused on in the beginner track. You will learn the basics of a few different styles of blues dancing. By the end of these classes, you will be jamming on that dance floor! 
Intermediate: The intermediate level is for those who have attended blues workshops and know their fundamentals strongly know their fundamentals, are comfortable with body movement and improvisation. Two years of experience are suggested to be in the intermediate level.
Advanced: This level is targeted to people who have attended many blues workshops, who have done some drag blues before, and practice dance at home on a regular basis. You'll need to have excellent balance and should be fluent in jukin, ballroomin, and drag blues.
Class Descriptions: 

Class 1 (Jeff & Sara) -- Fundamentals of Jookin’ Blues

Want to rock out to some Chicago blues?  Then you should know jookin’.  What is jookin’ movement?  How do we connect with a partner in jookin’?  In this class, we establish the basic language and techniques of jookin’.  
Class 2 (Jeff & Sara) -- Fundamentals of Ballroomin’ Blues
Want to flow across the floor to some hot New Orleans blues?  Then you should know ballroomin’.  What is ballroomin’ movement?  How do we connect with a partner in ballroomin’?  In this class, we establish the basic language and techniques of ballroomin’.  
Class 3 (Jeff & Sara) -- Putting It Together
In reality, the lines between a jookin’ and ballroomin’ song are often blurred.  In this class, we will discuss how to let the music inform our dance and how to transition between jookin’ and ballroomin’.  By the end of this class, you will have the skills necessary to go social blues dance anywhere.
Class 1 (Dan & Jenny) -- Approaching Competition
I have a partner, the music began, now what? When approaching competition there can be many things to consider. This is going to be a lecture and dance class that breaks down how to prep for different comps and what happens when you’re there as a dancer or judge.
Class 2 (Dan & Jenny) -- Rhythm Turns
Rhythm turns: continuing a turn based on a rhythm and direction. They're a type of turn we commonly find in Blues dances, and this class is about exploring the possibilities they present. We’ll start the class off with clear technique for leads and follows. Then we’ll introduce the concepts that make these turns highly adaptable: rhythm, path, texture, individual expression, musicality and more.
Class 3 (Mike & Joe) -- Drag Blues Class:

For this class, we'll be building on your drag blues fundamentals to really play with the dynamics of the dance.  This class will be one part partnered movement quality, one part musicality, and one part creative problem-solving!

Class 1 (Mike & Joe) -- Drag Blues Class:

For this class, we'll be building on your drag blues fundamentals to really play with the dynamics of the dance.  This class will be one part partnered movement quality, one part musicality, and one part creative problem-solving!


Class 2 (Mike & Joe) -- Rhythmic Joy:

Beginners learn to find the beat.  Intermediate dancers learn to find the groove.  As advanced dancers, it's time to explore how to dance with more complex rhythms.  From polycentric movement to negative space and following the band, this class may be a brain twister, so be prepared to follow up with plenty of practice!
Class 3 (Dan & Jenny) -- Precise Connection

Find the joy in precision! We'll push our ability to lead and follow exactly what we mean by taking several movements and creating slight but distinct variations. This awareness increases your clarity and sensitive reaction timing towards your partners. Have no doubt, this is a technique class.

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